On October 6, Lot 1 Welcomed Times Square Church and The National Call to Prayer
Lot #1 Preparing for the National Call to Prayer
Four hundred years ago, America’s spiritual founding fathers and mothers established a fledgling colony on the shores of Plymouth, Massachusetts, which would give birth to The United States of America. They navigated the terrible first winter, with its high mortality rate, by raising holy hands to God in prayer at a location which rests on what became Lot #1, presently under the care of the Leyden Preservation Group. Now, four hundred years later, Lot #1 becomes the site of a special day of prayer for the United States of America.
Today, Carter Conlon, best known as the former Senior Pastor of Times Square Church in New York City, is welcoming Christians from around the nation and the world for a special day of prayer to intercede for America. Pastor Carter has expressed his belief that he was led by God to the very plot of land – Lot #1 – where the Pilgrims began to build and pray. From 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm everyone is invited to join the live streamed event.
The timing of the Lot #1 prayer event is significant. Four hundred years ago the colony was nearly destroyed by disease and cold. The quadricentennial of the Mayflower Pilgrims coming to Plymouth occurs in the year of COVID 19. Around this season four hundred years ago, these travelers made a holy covenant before God known as the Mayflower Compact. It would serve as a great influence to the Declaration of Independence and the vision of government under God in the United States. The Mayflower Compact was born out of a desire to quell unrest and reconcile competing factions. Once again America faces great tension as over the next month we face a decision on one of the most contentious presidential elections in history.
The genesis of this vision for prayer came during a visit to Plymouth where Pastor Conlon sat on a bench overlooking the Plymouth waterfront, and later visited the historic house on Lot #1: "There was such an undeniable presence of God in that house” Conlon said, “that when I went back to my hotel room that night, I couldn't sleep. I said, 'Lord, why did You lead me there?’"
In an interview with CBN News Pastor Conlon explained how he was influenced by “2nd Chronicles Chapters 6 & 7” and how He would wait in a place for His sinful people to return to Him… And My heart will be there perpetually.' In other words, 'If you stray from Me, I will wait here for you to come back’. In other words, he argues that God has been essentially waiting in Plymouth, MA, for 400 years. Now on Oct. 6, it's time to return to Him.”
"Everyone of us is being called at this moment, whether you live in New York City or you live in Ohio in a small town. Everyone has a part in what God wants to do. He's searching the land again….this is what we're facing in America today. God is looking for a people to agree with Him, that He could show us a Mercy Moment again in spite of our behavior.”