Speaking before the first convention of the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC), then California Governor Ronald Reagan began his road to the White House by reminding listeners that the American story was a journey expressed in written documents that formed a roadmap to liberty.
Carved on stone in Plymouth is a message of deep gratitude to God. This article explores that message in the context of “Faith, Morality, Law. Education and Liberty” - The DNA of a free nation.
This October 2021, Americans will celebrate the 400th anniversary of the first Pilgrim thanksgiving feast - the celebration which became a model for our national day of gratitude to God….
This year marks the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower Pilgrim's arrival in Plymouth. Past generations have dedicated two years to the centennial celebration and study of the Pilgrim story.
During the 400th anniversary year of the arrival of the Mayflower Pilgrims in Plymouth, President Donald Trump references their role in America’s legacy of heroism before millions of Americans…
Since 1769 Americans have rallied to commemorate the landing of the Mayflower Pilgrims and their efforts to build a society of civil and religious freedom under God….
This weekend marks the 250th anniversary of America’s oldest ongoing celebration to the Mayflower Pilgrims - Forefathers Day.
Glenn Beck will be broadcasting from Plot #1, the headquarters of Leyden Preservation Group, in a special 2019 Thanksgiving broadcast to millions of Americans around the country.
Today marks the official launch of Leyden Preservation Group’s highly anticipated contribution to the four hundredth anniversary of the Pilgrims arrival in America, the Plymouth 400th…